Best Textiles Award Winner
•Posted on December 01 2019

Interview with Image Interiors Magazine November/December Issue 2019
It was her embroidered Irish linen that first caught the design world’s attention, but Jennifer Slattery’s foray into the world of wool has been equally lauded. The Dublin-based designer has been working with McNutt of Donegal for three years on a range of scarves, but it was a visit to the Donegal Yarns factory that inspired her Imperfect Check design. ‘I love the character of imperfections, and that was the quality I could see in the Donegal yarn.
It took a careful sampling process with McNutt to get the final result, as the yarn was heavier than what they usually use. “It almost looks like embroidery, because it’s a little heavier, and slightly raised. It’s got texture and tactility, with is a big part of my work,” Jennifer notes.
She has plans to develop the design, and play further with the multi-toned Donegal material, but is by no means leaving linen behind. Currently working on a capsule collection of linen shirts, she has also commissioned Emblem Weavers to produce a checked linen for a future shirt design.
She’s working on new weaves for her table linen, too, and Jennifer seems to relish the challenge of multiple projects. “One thing feeds another, it’s important for me to be working on different things and with different people. Collaboration is really key when you're a small business like myself.”
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